The operation of the global market is complex and changeable, and it is often difficult to distinguish between true and false information. Transparency allows truth to emerge and achieve trust. Without reliable data, systems and infrastructure, companies cannot make wise decisions. Here, you can find the credential of trust-from innovation and security, brand protection, to sustainable development, through our more than 100 years of standard research and development, testing and certification solutions, market research, industry insights, brand best practices, witness The power of trust. Only trust can push the world forward!

  Innovation and Safety   |  Brand Protection   |  Sustainable Development   |  Success Story

▼ Trust. Push the world forward

▼ UL helps you gain trust

Innovation Safety | INNOVATION SAFETY

New knowledge| When innovation meets safety NEW!

Lighting|Testing and certification of the latest UV lamps NEW!

Information|Renewable Energy ZoneNEW!

Trends| Five Trends of Innovation

Trends| Five new trends in safety

Insights| Experts talk about safety of lithium batteries and play a new revolution in energy storage

Battery| This is a world of lithium

Technology| Does your new car and smartphone work together?

Transmission | 5G Technology Observation and Application Security Challenges

Automotive| New UL 4600 Driverless Safety Evaluation Standard

Lighting| Innovative new safety standards for LED plant lights

Wireless| Decrypted wireless fast charging technology, secure support in place

Transmission| Consumer electronics power multiplexed high-speed transmission interface

Building| Smart Door Lock-The Key to Building Security

Research| Are 3D printed parts as safe as traditional parts?

Building| From the fire science research, talk about the way to improve the building safety

Cable| Evaluate the life of cables from a century of construction data

Brand Protection | BRAND SECURITY

New Knowledge| Brand Thinking under the Information Security Crisis NEW!

Insights|White paper: Judging the security level of IoT products NEW!

New knowledge | IoT security and brand trust are closely dependent

Insights| Experts talk about innovation, brand and trust in the 5G era

Information Security | IOT Life does not reveal the “hack” IoT security rating

Brand | GE’s home appliance networking products won the UL IOT safety rating gold medal

Sustainable Development | SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS

New Knowledge| Business Sustainability Trend NEW!

Insights|White Paper: Global Market Supply Chain Management NEW!

Trends| Four major sustainable development priorities

Insights| Sustainable business opens a new dawn for the next 10 years

Insights| Sustainability brings new business models

Viewpoint| Towards a zero-waste enterprise crazy circular economy

Success Story | SUCCESS STORY

Laoguang Refrigeration Industry| Rely on global certification to promote brand reputation NEW!

Yongji Lacquer| From a corner shop to a global pride in Taiwan

Pacific Kitchenware|To create a sense of happiness in the kitchen of energy saving, intelligence and green energy

Jiuxin Technology| Yiyi Rising Star Leaps into North America and International Market

Tian Jin Hardware| Taiwan export door lock invisible champion

Jinuo Industry|The new blue ocean of navigation coffee and tea equipment